About Aotearoa Educators Collective
Aotearoa Educators Collective is an umbrella collective created to support education thought leaders who share a common interest in promoting progressive ideals in education. The group includes academics, principals and teachers and is not aligned to any political party.
These leaders choose to contribute to mainstream public debate through mainstream media based on their research, their lived professional experience and their standing within the sector.
The current political climate means people who engage in public commentary can be subject to online harassment and abuse. The collective provides personal and professional support when members of the group engage with policy release or comment from political parties.
The collective promotes these ideas:
· Schooling has responsibilities to promote the promises and obligations embodied in Te Tiriti Waitangi
· Education is a public good.
· The primary responsibility for schooling is to create critical creative citizens invested in participatory democracy with capacity to combat social injustice.
· Education should address long seated inequities and injustice through curriculum design.
· A rich broad curriculum best serves the needs of children to realise their dreams and aspirations.
· Success at school cannot be reduced to achievement in literacy and numeracy
· Teachers carry much of the burden inflicted on society by government policies that have grown the gap between rich and the poor.
· Teachers as caring professionals deserve the respect of all political parties